Volvo is stepping into Self Driving Cars

Volvo is joining hands with Autoliv Inc. to create a new company that will develop self-driving systems for auto industry. The name of the new company is yet to be decided but Volvo has confirmed that it will begin operations in coming year in Sweden.
Self-Driving cars are expected to be the next big thing. Most of the tech companies such as Google, Tesla, Intel, BMW, Uber and Ford are all investing big time in this industry. Established companies are in race to acquire new startups in the field.
Recently, a Phoenix based startup has joined IBM to make a 3D printed bus that will utilize the cognitive abilities of IBM’s Watson computer – well known for winning the game show Jeopardy.
Using Watson’s cognitive abilities, Olli can talk to the passengers, explain to them how the system works and even recommend restaurants.
The bus is currently being tested on the roads of Washington DC and will be rolled out in Las Vegas and Miami later.
While most of the companies are busy working on self driving cars, companies like Volvo and Uber are investing huge in self driving trucks. Volvo recently published this video of their autonomous truck driving through a mine in Sweden. There is no driver in the truck and it maneuvers the driving wheel by itself. CEO Holmström stands in front of the truck and the truck stops. “Thank you for stopping” says the nervous CEO
Here is the video by Volvo YouTube